Animation In The 30s
1. CROSBY, COLUMBO AND VALLEE (1932-USA). Warner Brothers Cartoon-Indian boy and girl romance in the woods, aided by a radio. Forest animals imitate the crooners Of the day. A hot swing orchestra provides the score. A treat for the ear and eye.
2. THREE’S A CROWD (1933-USA). Vitaphone Cartoon. Storybook characters come to life when no one’s looking. Hot swing orchestra plays throughout.
3. HOLLYWOOD CAPERS (1935-USA). A Looney Tune starring “Beans.” A visit to a Hollywood studio to see how movies are made. Many stars appear (in animation). Well made with a creative use Of sound. “Beans” battles an animated Frankenstein.
4. SONGS YOU LIKE TO SING – “MARGIE” (1929-USA). Animated cartoon plus FOLLOW THE BOUNCING BALL sing-along. With the METROPOLITAN QUARTET and LEE BRODYE at the organ.
5. GRAMPY’S INDOOR OUTING (1936-USA). Directed by DAVE FLEISCHER. When Betty Boop’s plans to take Junior to the carnival are ruined by bad weather, Grampy’s bright ideas turn his apartment into an indoor carnival. Clever ideal
6. BETTY IN BLUNDERLAND (1934-USA). A Betty Boop cartoon produced by MAX FLEISCHER. Betty drinks “Shrink-ola” and enters her own version Of Wonderland. Boop-boop-a -doop.
7. LET’S SING WITH POPEYE (c. 1934-USA). A MAX FLEISCHER cartoon. A bouncing ball sing-along with Popeye singing the complete version Of his famous hymn to Spinach – his theme song.
8. PUDGY IN “HAPPY YOU AND MERRY ME” (1936-USA). Directed by DAVE FLEISCHER. Betty Boop and her dog Pudgy help a little kitten who’s gotten a tummy ache from eating too much candy. Dr. Boop prescribes a dose Of catnip and sends Pudgy to fetch it.
9. SINKIN’ IN THE BATHTUB (1930-USA). A Vitaphone Looney Tune with Bosko and his dusky gal friend. A planned ride in the country starts continues and concludes in and around bathtubs. An early sound cartoon with a little lip-synch and a lot Of fine jazz-age music. 57 minutes total. Cartoons