Negro In Entertainment, The; Hidden Menace
1004. THE NEGRO IN ENTERTAINMENT AND HIDDEN MENACE (1946- 1950-USA). W.C. Handy, Ethel Waters, Una Mae Carlisle, Duke Ellington, Louis Armstrong, Bill “Bojangles” Robinson, Fats Waller, “Lollypop” Jones, Jamie Dunsmore, George Wiltshire, Sibyl Lewis, the black diamond club chorus THE NEGRO IN ENTERTAINMENT (1950) “One Of the series Of motion pictures dedicated to Negro America,” this is a scintillating survey Of the finest black entertainers. Featuring short clips Of W.C. HANDY, BILL “BOJANGLES ROBINSON,” FATS WALLER, ballerina JANET COLLINS and open stars TODD DUNCAN, CAMILLA WILLIAMS and LAWRENCE WINTERS. The film was sponsored by Ligget-Meyers, and we’re assured that most Of the black entertainers smoke the sponsor’s bran Chesterfield! HIDDEN MENACE (1946). With “LOLLYPOP” JONES, JAMES DUNSMORE, GEORGE WILTSHIR SIBYL LEWIS, THE BLACK DIAMOND CLUB CHORUS. High spirited all black feature with “Lollypop” (ones as the star Of a vaudeville show who can’t get rid Of a seemingly dead woman I found in his dressing room. He hides her in a closet and dumps her into a laundry chute, but she keeps walking back to his room. She was actually put under a spell by her no-good husband, Sam the voodoo man, but poor Lollypop thinks she’s a zombie. Amidst all the turmoil, he tap dances and sings! Blat comedy in more ways than one! 35 minutes total. All Black Musical Comedy