100 Cries Of Terror

2516. 100 CRIES OF TERROR (1964-Mexico). You will be shaking in your seat as you feast your eyes on this twin bill of white-knuckle horror firms. Part One is an electrifying ghost story called “A Debt Of Panic.” It is the saga of Howard, a philanderer whose wife Marie Louise refuses to give him a divorce. One thing more about Marie Louise: she has a weak heart! Howard and Marie Louise’s new, isolated country vacation house is lavishly outfitted with antiques. It also may be furnished with the ghost of a crazy old woman who bad been restricted by heavy chains. Within a short time, chains begin to rattle and pots and pans come crashing to the floor. Could the phantom hag be intending to scare Marie Louise to death? Part Two is titled “The Crypl Of Terror.” A grieving young doctor visits the grave of his fiancee, arriving one half-hour before her crypt will be chain-locked for the night. She is buried within a large crypt with three chambers. In one of these chambers, the funeral of another young woman is being held. As a lightning storm roars, the doctor is so stricken by sorrow that he faints. Before long, the crypt is closed for the night. He awakens to hear sounds coming from the coffin of the most recently departed. The entombed girl lives! Together, the two spend a most terror-stricken night in the sealed sepulchre. Dubbed in English. 95 minutes. Horror