And So To Bed

1719. AND SO TO BED (1963-Germany, Austria). With LILLI PALMER, HILDEGARD KNEF, PETE VAN EYCK. And so to bed, indeed! Here is a smart, sexy fable about man, woman and seduction, its characters each a link in a sexual roundtable. The fireworks start when a pair Of decadent boys decide to hire a high-priced call girl to seduce their sweet-faced, virginal schoolmate. She spurns their Offer, takes a liking to the lad-and Offers him his sexual awakening. Now experienced, he makes love to prOfessor’s wife, who is constantly uttering the line, “Hadn’t you better lower the shades?” The teacher in turn gets drunk one evening while on a business trip and breaks his marital vows with a pretty secretary. So the scenario unravels, with a waiter, a diplomat, a general’s daughter and a famous actress among participants in this circle Of love-and you can only guess to whom all these hi-jinks will eventually lead, Dubbed into English. 94 minutes. Drama