Anything For A Thrill

2442. ANYTHING FOR A THRILL (1937-USA). With FRANKIE DARRO, KANE RICHMOND. Young Don Mallory adores his big brother Cliff, a daredevil newsreel cameraman. Don is about to head off to college but would rather follow in Cliff’s professional footsteps and break in as a “newsreel guy.” Cliff’s latest assignment just may be his most difficult yet. He is to photograph Betty Kelly, a stubborn and determined heiress who has never allowed herself to be captured on celluloid. Cliff’s gruff boss promises to fire him if he fails. Meanwhile, Don is determined to help his brother “get those pictures.” The younger Mallory is ably assisted by his friend Jean, a waitress who also wishes to shoot newsreels. While all of this happens, Betty remains unaware that she is being set up as a crime victim. She has been befriended by a man who has passed himself off as a wealthy titled Brit interested in entering into business ventures with her father. He actually is a tough-talking crook in cahoots with a gang of thieves and killers who are conspiring to extort a huge chunk of the Kelly riches. All of these characters come together and the result is a likable and fast-paced adventure drama sprinkled with bright bits of comedy and romance. 58 minutes. Drama