Around The World Of Mike Todd

2626. AROUND THE WORLD OF MIKE TODD (September 8, 1968-USA) COLOR. ABC-TV net. Narrated by ORSON WELLES; Mike Todd’s words spoken by MARTIN BALSAM; teleplay by MIKE TODD, JR. An engrossing biography of the flamboyant showman from his humble beginnings through his Broadway triumphs, the World’s Fair, and his unique magnum opus “Around The World In 80 Days.” This unique man is described by his ex-wife ELIZABETH TAYLOR (who tells in intimate detail their courtship and marriage), GYPSY ROSE LEE, JACK E. LEONARD, ETHEL MERMAN, ART BUCHWALD, TOOTS SHOR, LOWELL THOMAS and many more. What a fascinating guy! 50 minutes. TV Biography