Avenger, The

1663. THE AVENGER (1962-ltaly-France). COLOR. With STEVE REEVES. Any child Of the Iate1950s and early 1960s will remember Steve Reeves. The Montana-born muscleman was the Arnold Schwarzenegger Of his day; he held titles as Mr. America, Mr. Universe and Mr. World, but gained his greatest fame as the super-hero star Of a series Of special effects-laden spectaculars. ReevesĂ• films were Italian-made, sword-and-sandal epics; if this is not his most well-known effort, it surely must be one Of his most entertaining. It is an adaptation Of “The Aeneid,” by Virgil, with Reeves cast as Aeneas, known throughout the civilized world as the last great defender Of Troy. The Trojans, Of course, have recently fallen to the Greeks, and Aeneas has led a band Of Trojan refugees to the banks Of the Tiber River. He and his people only wish to settle down and live in peace, and the province’s harmony-lovĂ‚ing king Offers a friendly welcome. However, various members Of the king’s circle, as well as rival ruler, wish for different reasons only to vanquish Aeneas and all remaining Trojans. Amid assorted, sordid political intrigue, Aeneas must contend with each Of them by combining his cunning and physical prowess. Dubbed into English. 97 minutes. Sword and Scandal