Bad Girls Do Cry
2437. BAD GIRLS DO CRY (1954-USA). Directed by SID MELTON. Sally Downs is an unsophisticated small town girl newly arrived in the brg bad city. This statuesque blonde quickly finds a job as a waitress in a greasy spoon, bul it seems as if the man who is her very firsL customer sees a different future for her. He asks Sally a most profound question: “Whal’s a beautiful doll like you wasting your Lime slinging hash?” Perhaps she can enter the “modelling” profession, and he is just the guy to help her. Sally thinks lhis is a nifty idea. She is, of course, blissfully unaware Lhal her benefactor is in the sex-for-hire business. However, do nol watch this unintentionally uproarious film expecting anything resembling a provocative drama of innocence Jost. Your kid brother could do a more professional job of directing. Your older sister could act more believably Lhan anyone on screen. Still, between guffaws lhis “strictly adult filmfare” is a voyeurs’ delight. The sweeL young thing playing Sally is constantly undressing. The camera lingers on her as she strips to her undies; she peels off her stockings with the 6!an of a professional stripper. The only recognizable name involved wilh this chuckle-a-minule fiasco is its direcLor; Sid Melton, who later became a popular character actor. Any more efforts like lhis and Mellon instead would have become famous as lhe Ed Wood of sleaze! 59 minutes.