Beneath The 12-Mile Reef

2275. BENEATH THE 12-MILE REEF (1953-USA). COLOR. With ROBERT WACNER, TERRY MOORE, GILBERT ROLAND, J. CARROL NAISH, RICHARD BOONE, PETER GRAVES, HARRY CAREY, JR. Music score by BERNARD HERRMANN. Back in the early 1950’s, Robert Wagner was a drop-deadhandsome young actor making his mark in the movies. He stars in this diverting action drama-romance as Tony Petrakis, youthful member of a Greek sponge- diving clan in Tarpon Springs, Florida. He works with his father Mike, and on one level, the focus of the story is on man versus the elements, as the Petrakis clan struggles to earn their keep as sponge divers (who are described as “a special breed of man dedicated to the most dangerous of all occupations”). Lately, the Petrakises have found slim pickings in the deep. As a result, they must fight for economic survival against the descendants of English settlers who traditionally rake conches in the shallow Key West waters rather than risk their lives deep-sea diving for their prey. Trouble comes when Mike dares to venture into Key West waters controlled by Thomas Rhys. Then, romance blossoms Romeo and Juliet-style when Tony falls for Rhys’ beautiful daughter Gwyneth. There’s plenty of action as Tony battles an octopus underwater and Gwyneth’s rival for her love. The views of the Florida Gulf Coast are spectacular, and there is some expertly lensed underwater footage. All-time great film composer Bernard Herrmann’s evocative music adds so much to the drama and atmosphere. No matter what the ad says, our version is not in Cinemascope! 102 minutes. Adventure