Beyond Obesession; Beyond The Door

2651. BEYOND OBSESSION (Beyond The Door) (1982-Italy) COLOR. MARCELLO MASTROIANNI, ELEONORA GIORGI, TOM BERENGER. Directed and co-scripted by LILIANA CAVANI. Here is a passionate and sex-laced psychological drama that is directed by one of Italy’s foremost woman filmmakers. Handsome Tom Berenger stars as Matthew, an American engineer working for a multi-national oil company in exotic Morocco. One evening, he ventures into Marrakesh where he meets and becomes enamored of a fetchingly beautiful young Italian-born woman named Nina (played by Eleonora Giorgi, an Uma Thurman look-alike). While Matthew soon falls in love with Nina, he also comes to realize that she is an enigmatic creature with a most unusual family history. It seems that her father Enrico (the ever-charismatic Marcello Mastroianni, giving his usual rock-solid performance) is in jail for murdering his wife (Nina’s mother), and Nina has come to Marrakesh to be near him. Disturbing questions are raised concerning Nina and Enrico and the peculiar nature of their deeply intense relationship. All of this is set amid an erotic atmosphere of in-your-face sexuality and bizarre sexual practices, and the result is an endlessly fascinating film that is sure to be savored by lovers of provocative moviemaking. English language and dubbed in English. 111 minutes. Drama