Beyond The Carribbean; Manhunters Of The Caribbean

2736.BEYOND THE CARIBBEAN (Manhunters Of The Caribbean) (1936-usa). With ANDRE ROOSEVELT, DR. E. ERSKINE LOCH. Directed and produced by ROOSEVELT and LOCH. This colorful semi-documentary was filmed on location in Panama and the Central American jungle. It tells the story of Captain Eric Benson (played by the film’s co-director/producer, Dr. E. Erslcine Loch), a soldier-of-fortune who stops by to visit an old friend in Panama before traveling on to New York. While there he notices a beautiful young woman diving into the water. He learns that she is Rita de la Vega, the daughter of an explorer who three years earlier had lost his life while on a hunt for mislaid treasure. Benson is intrigued by the notion of finding the riches, and postpones his return to New York. He enlists Rita’s assistance as he wants to obtain access to all of her father’s maps and any other documentation in her possession. “My father spoke of an idol,” Rita explains. “If we find the idol, we’ll find the treasure.” Benson also secures the aid of Andre Roosevelt (who plays himself and who directed and produced with Loch), a noted authority on undersea life. After spending three days in the dense and dangerous jungle, Benson and Rita link up with Roosevelt and his yacht. Then, their adventure really begins as they tangle with deadly Pemtente tribesmen while seeking to uncover the treasure. The film is crammed with fascinating footage of the natives and their rituals. Add to this some vivid jungle and undersea footage and the result is a rare and thrilling adventure. 56 minutes. Adventure