Beyond Tomorrow

1481. BEYOND TOMORROW (1941-USA). With CHARLES WINNINGER, RICHARD CARLSON, MARIA OUSPENSKAYA, JEAN PARKER, HELEN VINSON, C. AUBREY SMITH, HAREY CAREY SR., ROD LA ROCQUE. Presenting a sweet-natured fantasy-romance that is brimming with good will. It begins with a quote from Benjamin Franklin: “I believe… that the soul Of man is immortal and will be treated with justice in another life, respecting its conduct in this.” The scenario details the plight Of three rich elderly men, all partners in a New York City engineering firm. The time is Christmas Eve, which they’ll be celebrating yet again without children or grandchildren. As an antidote for their solitude, they decide to bring together some lonely souls as guests at a dinner party. Richard Carton and lean Parker are cast as the two attendeesÑ a young, Texas-born, out-Of-work rodeo performer and kindergarten teacherÑ who find themselves falling in love. All is well until the older trio dies in a plan e crash. They return to earth as spirits, and are aghast to observe that Carlson, who has found success as a singer, is becoming involved with a famous actress and has brushed aside his beloved. Will the deceasedÑ and specifically the character played by WinningerÑ somehow be able to intercede on their behalf One more character- who is, in her way, the most intriguing one Of allÑ partakes in the proceedings; a Russian countess (gracefully played by Maria Ouspenskaya), who is no longer a woman Of privilege. She observes that, when she had her riches, she was discontented; she has now lost everything but her life, and has learned that the only way to be truly happy is to serve othersÑ to be needed by others. The film is also a technical marvel, with some snazzy special effects achieved through process photography. Undoubtedly, this is the result Of the input Of LEJE G ARM ES, master cinematographer who served as producer. 82 minutes. Fantasy