Big Town After Dark; Underworld After Dark

2512. BIG TOWN AFTER DARK (Underworld After Dark) (1947-USA). With PHILIP REED, HILLARY BROOKE, RICHARD TRAVIS. This exciting tale of night life in and around Big Town pits Illustrated Press editor Steve Wilson and pretty police reporter Lorelei Kilbourne against a menacing mob involved in the gambling racket. Their adventure begins when the newspaper’s owner introduces Steve to his red-headed niece Susan. Susan is a charming co-ed with a yen to be a reporter. She also has an odd itch to gamble and so one evening she takes Steve to a joint near the campus called “The Winner’s Club” where the students lose more than their lunch money. Steve finds himself tussling with a couple of thugs over an improper deal and loses track of Susan. The next morning her uncle hears she has been snatched by mobsters and pays a $50,000 ransom for her return. Steve and Lorelei start to wonder about the events of the previous night. Is the novice reporter a “Little Miss Innocence” or a “Piece Of No-Good Fluff?” This suspenseful crime melodrama, based on the well-known radio series “Big Town,” is riveting all the way through to its fast-paced finale. 70 minutes. Crime Mystery Suspense