Black Archer, The

1668. THE BLACK ARCHER (1963 -Italy). COLOR. With GERARD LANDRY. From its first sequence on, this action-packed period adventure Offers no shortage Of swordplay and intrigue. Landry stars as a dashing, pure-hearted count’s son. His father is promptly murdered, a crime instigated by various members Of the king’s court who wish to consolidate their power. Our hero, now the last surviving member Of his family, plots to gain revenge. First, though, he must determine the identities Of his enemies. They include a pair Of cousins, one a dashing Don Juan and the other an older, balding, deformed sadist whose nickname is “The Devil’s HoOfprint” Then there is his most unusual adversary: a bloodthirsty lady who’s forever garbed in black, and who is as evil as any Of her cohorts. Dubbed into English. 93 minutes. Adventure Drama