Black Cyclone

1861. BLACK CYCLONE (1925-usa). With Rex the wild horse, Lady, Killer, Guinn WILLIAMS, KATHLEEN COLLINS, CHRISTIAN FRANK. Co-photographed by GEORGE STEVENS. Written and produced by HAL ROACH. Despite its cast of “people,” the key characters in this beautiÂfully photographed, thrill-a-minute Western adventure are a trio of horses: one a hero, the second a villain, and the last a lady fair. The first is Rex, an orphaned colt who grows into a strikingly beautiful stallion while learning the art of survival in the wilderness. The animal is looking for a mate and links up with Lady, its female counterpart, whom it courts and wins. Trouble comes to Rex and Lady when they find themselves in a valley, near a herd of horses whose leader, a devilish stallion know as Killer, Rex must fight. A parallel story chronicles the plight of a good guy. Big Jim Lawson. He’s forced to battle Joe Pangle, a bully and thief who’s been spurned by Lawson’s beloved, pretty Jane Logan. How Lawson and Rex come to meet, and assist one another as they go up against some forÂmidable foes (including a pack of wolves, Pangle and his henchmen and, ultimately. Killer) makes for a rousing, satisfying entertainment. It’s especially fun to watch Rex, Lady and Killer perform, with each horse acting naturally and expressively-and seemingly almost human. “Silent” film with origiÂnal organ score, correct projection speed. 75 minutes. ÒSilentÓ Western