Black Raven, The

1968. THE BLACK RAVEN (1943-USA). WITH George Zucco, Wanda McKay, Charles MIDDLETON. If you ever are driving down a dark and lonely road on a rainy night and are desperÂate for a warm bed, do not even think of stopping off at a country inn if it is called “The Black Raven,” if you do, you probably will be in for a most shocking experience. A hostelry called the Black Raven is the setting of this eerie chiller featuring popular horror film star George Zucco. He is cast as Bradford, (“The Raven”), a subtly sinister type with a disreputable past who is the inn’s proÂprietor. Among Bradford’s visitors and guests during one stormy evening: a revenge-seeking escaped convict whom he had double-crossed years before; a big-shot racketeer on the lam from the coppers; a nervous nellie carrying a briefcase filled with oodles of cash; a young man and woman who have run off to be married; the bride-to-be’s quick-tempered father, and a dirty politician who is too keen on the nuptials. The tension mounts as most of these characters intermingle and you can only wonder who will end up doing what to whom. There also is some funny comic relief in the character of Andy, the Raven’s dimwitted assistant. The Raven tells Andy that one of the guests is “suffering from rabid delusions aggravated by a moronic mentality.” Andy’s response: “Is that bad?” 61 minutes. Crime-Mystery-Suspense