Bond Street

1724. BOND STREET (1948-England). With JEAN KENT, ROUND YOUNG, KATHLEEN HARRISON, DEREK FARR. Includes an episode written by Terence Rattigan. Bond Street is one Of London’s most exclusive shopping thoroughfares. Behind each shop is a story, and this entertaining combination comedy-romance-drama relates a quartet Of them. The first has to do with a designer dress; the others focus on a pearl necklace, a wedding veil, a bouquet Of flowers-and all are linked by a wedding. The star-laden cast, who comprised Of some Of England’s most popular screen actors Of the late 1940s and early brighten the proceedings, while the scenario constantly reflects on the post-World War II mood Of the nation. For example, a woman wishes to wear the dress to welcome home her war hero son. A former flyer, adjusting to his first job in civvies, courts a troubled girl who was orphaned in the blitz. Meanwhile, you just know there’s a desperate murderer who deserted his military unit at the height Of his country’s war-time involvement. There’s also a conscious, well-intentioned effort to reflect on, and break down, Great Britain’s time-worn class barriers. After all, aristocrats and Cockneys alike had recently done battle against a common enemy. 109 minutes. Comedy-Drama