Boss Of Big Town, The

2514. THE BOSS OF BIG TOWN (1943-USA). With JOHN LITEL, FLORENCE RICE, H.B. WARNER, JOHN MILJAN. Here is a gripping crime melodrama that tells the pulse- pounding story of some ruthless racketeers who take over a city’s wholesale food market. John Litel gives an earthy Cagney-like performance as Mike Lynn, the superintendent of the city market. He is an honest and gutsy guy who refuses to fall in line with villainous forces that are pocketing millions of dollars by raising the price of milk. One morning, Mike is kidnapped by two gangsters who take him to the lavish lair of mob chief Kenneth Craige (played with finesse by veteran character actor John Miljan). Craige thinks he can make Mike an offer the superintendent cannot refuse. To Craige’s dismay, Mike refuses! After that, business at Mike’s food market goes haywire. Dairy systems are ruined. Trucks are exploded. Good men are maimed and murdered. Join Mike as he bravely and cleverly wages a private fight against the mob in this extraordinarily well-conceived production. 64 minutes Crime Mystery Suspense