Boy Who Loved Horses, The

1864. THE BOY WHO LOVED HORSES (1960-Denmark). Directed and written by HARRY WATT. Harry Watt, Scottish born filmmaker who was one Of England’s top documentary directors durÂing the 1930’s, went on to add to his acclaim as a maker Of fictional features. He wrote and directed this realistic, sensitive tale about a boy who’s obsessed with horses, and is struggling to survive in a hostile adult world. Ole Christiansen is a gangly lad who is lonely and rebellious, and whose love Of horses is constantly getting him in trouble. Ole wishes to become a champion jockey: in his latest bit Of mischief, he attempts to ride a horse at a harness race track with a catastrophic result. The boy’s frustrated parents send him to his uncle in the country. There’s a riding stable nearby and, here, Ole will for the first time come in contact with adults who will not misunderstand him, but rather nurture his feelings for horses. The scenario is highlighted by Ole’s involvement with a beautiful, spirited but troublesome white stallion named Sputnik, and a pair Of young but dangerous escaped convicts. Dubbed into English. 74 minutes. Drama