
2078. “C”-MAN (1949-USA). With DEAN JAGGER, JOHN CARRADINE. Unlike the millions of New Yorkers who rush to work every weekday. Cliff Holden does not punch a time clock and toil nine-to-five. That’s because Uncle Sam is his boss. Twenty-four hours a day is his schedule. Holden, you see, is a United States Treasury customs agent. He has just returned from vacation and is set to be assigned to a fresh new case. Only this one is destined to be most disturbing. It involves the investiÂgation of the cold-blooded murder of Steve Regan, a fellow agent who was Holden’s best pal from childhood. The deceased had been tracing a $500,000 necklace which had been sold to and promptly stolen from an American in Paris. Before turning up dead, Regan had picked up the trail of the necklace in Marseilles. Holden’s job is twofold. He must discover the whereabouts of the neckÂlace and insure that it does not cross the border into the United States. Then he must bring his friend’s killer to justice. What follows is a tension-packed suspense thriller in which Holden finds himself mixing with sadists and seductresses, master criminals and mystery women. Excellent on- location filming in the streets of New York City adds to the goings-on a gritty sense of authenticity. 77 minutes. Crime-Mystery-Suspense