Campus Knights

2209. CAMPUS KNIGHTS (1929-USA). With RAYMOND McKEE. Earl Hastings is a regular bon vivant. He gallivants through life garbed in a tuxedo, with a drink in one hand and a pretty girl in the other. One day, he playfully attempts to kiss Audrey Scott, a sophomore at the Bel-Air Seminary. Audrey is not amused. “If I ever see you again I’ll fix you,” she indignantly tells him. Audrey does indeed see him again, or at least she thinks she does. The new science professor at Bel-Air certainly looks like Earl Hastings. Only he is anything but a skirt-chaser. He is sissified and hopelessly uptight. He knows “more about insects than a shoemaker does about dogs,” and is the type who would shudder at the sight of his own shadow. What no one knows is that this wimp is Ezra Hastings, Earl’s identical twin! Earl’s idea of a fun night is to flirt and dance with pretty girls. Ezra would rather pass his evening hunting for butterflies. The laughs are non-stop as Earl is mistaken for Ezra and Ezra is mistaken for Earl, resulting in numerous outlandish and comically embarrassing situations. Raymond McKee does exceptionally well as Earl and Ezra. His performances are so believable that you’ll be convinced the brothers are played by two different actors. “Silent” film with music score. 56 minutes. “Silent” Comedy