Carnival Story

2397. CARNIVAL STORY (1954-USA). color, WITH anne baxter, steve cochran, lyle BETTGER, GEORGE NADER, JAY C. FLIPPEN. Everybody is happy when the carnival comes to town. This steamy and emotion-packed romantic melodrama features strongmen and bearded ladies, acrobats and pretty girls. This carnival has been less than successful back in America, and so it is on tour in Europe. Its boss notes that it is “the first American carnival that ever played Germany,” where it arrives as the story begins. When one thinks Of distinguished Academy Award- winning actress Anne Baxter, one does not necessarily think “sexpot.” Nonetheless, Baxter is ravishÂing in her role as a German pickpocket who attempts to ply her trade at the carnival. Her name is Willie and she immediately is busted by Joe, the carny’s hunky advance man. Willie is tough and hardened, yet at the same time is deeply vulnerable. Joe seems to be playing the role Of nice guy when he convinces the boss to take Willie on as a worker in the cook-tent. Yet sparks begin flying when he sits by and watches as she takes a shower and soon Willie has become Joe’s girl. The status quo is disrupted when the carny’s star high diver takes a prOfessional interest in Willie. He is in need Of an assistant and sees her as the perfect candidate. Just as quickly tempers and passions flare, leading to a terrible “accident” that is in fact cold-blooded murder! 94 minutes. Drama