Cat And The Canary, The

767. THE CAT AND THE CANARY (1927-usa). WITH Laura la Plante, Creighton HALE, TULLY MARSHALL. FLORA FINCH, GERTRUDE ASTOR, FORREST STANLEY. “On a lonely clad hill, overlooking the Hudson, stood the grotesque mansion of an eccentric millionaire. Me could do no more for Cyrus West, whose greedy relatives, like cats around a canary, had brought to the verge of madness. After his death, two envelopes were found; one said, “Last will and testament of Cyrus West, to be opened 20 years after my death”. The other said. “This envelope is never to be opened if the terms of my will are carried out,” Ñ and for twenty years, it was said, the tormentor ghost of Cyrus West wandered nightly through the deserted corridors. But on the night the will was to be read, there was something more tangible than a ghost in the house. CARL LEAMMLE used Universal’s top leading lady, Laura La Plante, who always seemed to get the “girl-next-door parts”. Creighton Hale cut a handsome leading-man figure in many silent features and serials. They were good choices as Laura La Plante is best remembered for her role in “The Cat and the Canary”, one of the great silent ghost stories. The film has the odd ability to make you laugh while frightening you at the same time. The somber photography (and that long corridor of mysteriously billowing curtains in particular) is instrumental in maintaining the atmosphere. The boyish good looks and charm of Creighton Hale lighten the load at the same time. It was an unbeatable combination that made for a real winner coming shortly before the end of the silents. One of the best of it’s kind. Highly recommended Silent film with music score, correct projection speed. 126 minutes. ÒSilentÓ Mystery Suspense