Genre | Documentary |
Duration | 63 minutes |
Year | 1952 |
Director | Gordon-Schindler |
Writers | Gordon-Schindler |
Description | 2908. MATED (1952-USA). This uncommonly explicit sex education film begins where many other movies end, with a pair of lovers sharing a kiss upon getting married. Its narrator explains that […] |
Winning With The Yankees
Genre | Documentary |
Duration | 32 minutes |
Year | 1956 |
Actors | Babe-Ruth; Joe-Dimaggio; Ty-Cobb; Cy-Young; Mickey-Mantle; Phil-Rizzuto; Yogi-Berra; Ted-Williams; Casy-Stengel |
Writers | Mel-Allen |
Producers | Coca Cola |
Description | 2789. WINNING WITH THE YANKEES (C. 1956-USA) COLOR. Narrated by MEL ALLEN. What makes a Yankee tick? How do you get to be a New York Yankee? What’s it like […] |
Beyond Bengal
Genre | Documentary |
Duration | 59 minutes |
Year | 1933 |
Actors | Harry-Schenck; Joan-Baldwin; John-Martin |
Director | Harry-Schenck |
Writers | Harry-Schneck |
Description | 2734. BEYOND BENGAL (1933-USA). Directed by HARRY SCHENCK. With HARRY SCHENCK, JOAN BALDWIN. Along what then was called the Gulf of Siam lies a narrow strip of land known as […] |
Big Picutre, The
Genre | Documentary |
Duration | 56 minutes |
Year | 1964 |
Actors | Walter-Matthau; Ronald-Reagan |
Producers | U-S-Army |
Description | 2654. THE BIG PICTURE: “General Patton” and “World War II Battlefields Revisited” (c. 1964-USA). Two programs in the long-running series well-produced by the U.S. Army. 1. GENERAL PATTON. A vivid […] |
New York World’s Fair Memories Of 1964
Genre | Documentary |
Duration | 54 minutes |
Year | 1963 |
Actors | Roger-M-Browe; Charles-F-Brucey; William-A-Burns |
Director | John-Campbell |
Writers | John-Campbell |
Description | 2560. NEW YORK WORLD’S FAIR MEMORIES OF 1964 (1963/1964-USA). PARTIAL COLOR. Two films: one made just before the fair opened in 1964; the other made just after the opening. 1. […] |
Mau Mau
Genre | Documentary |
Duration | 53 minutes |
Year | 1954 |
Actors | David-F-Friedman; Dan-Sonney; Frank-Henenlotter |
Director | Ted-Bonnitt |
Writers | Eddie-Muller |
Description | 2578. MAU-MAU (1954-USA) COLOR. Narrated by CHET HUNTLEY. Eminent broadcast journalist Chet Huntley presents a vivid portrait of the dreaded fanatical Kenyan Mau-Maus in this fascinating and absorbing documentary. This […] |
Benjamin Britten: British Documentaries
Genre | Documentary |
Duration | 57 minutes |
Year | 1935 |
Actors | The-London-Symphony-Oechestra; Malcolm-Sargent; W-H-Auden; Montagu-Slater; Michael-Bolton; Elaine-Fifield; Alrxander-Grant |
Director | Muir-Mathieson; Alberto-Cavalcanti |
Writers | W-H-Auden; Montagu-Slater |
Description | 2579. BENJAMIN BRITTEN: BRITISH DOCUMENTARIES (1935-1950-England). 1. COAL FACE (1935-England). Produced by JOHN GRIERSON. Music by BENJAMIN BRITTEN. Grierson was the esteemed founder of the British documentary movement. In this […] |
Motion Picture History Of The Korean War, A
Genre | Documentary |
Duration | 56 minutes |
Year | 1954 |
Producers | U-S-Army |
Description | 2594. A MOTION PICTURE HISTORY OF THE KOREAN WAR (c. 1954-USA). Produced by the U.S. Army. This comprehensive history of what was officially a “police action” is clear, concise and […] |
Wartime Combat: A Brittish View
Genre | Documentary |
Duration | 75 minutes |
Year | 1943 |
Actors | Harold-Alexander; Winston-Churchill; Adolf-Hitler; Raymond-Glendenning |
Writers | Raymond-Glendenning; J-L-Hodson |
Description | 2462. WARTIME COMBAT: A BRITISH VIEW (1943-1944-England). 1. DESERT VICTORY (1943-England). Directed by ROY BOULTING. Produced by The Army Film Unit and Royal Air Force. This outstanding war documentary chronicles […] |
Space Shuttle: From The Beginning
Genre | Documentary |
Duration | 121 minutes |
Year | 1967 |
Actors | Les-Tremayne |
Producers | NASA |
Description | 2489. SPACE SHUTTLE: FROM THE BEGINNING (1969-1987-USA) COLOR. Five films produced by NASA (The National Aeronautical and Space Administration), showing America’s conquest of space. 1. FLIGHT WITHOUT WINGS (1969). Narrated […] |