Chase, The

2002. THE CHASE (1946-usa). WITH Robert Cummings, Michele Morgan, Steve Cochran, PETER LORRE, JACK HOLT, DON WILSON. A shipshape thriller, based on a story by fabled mystery writer CORNELL WOOLRICH. It starts off innocently enough with down-and-out navy veteran Chuck Scott (Robert Cummings, in one of his best screen roles) finding a wallet on a Miami sidewalk. Scott is an honest man. Despite his penniless state, he returns the wallet and its contents to the address of its owner. When he is greeted by a creepy character named Rico who promptly calls him a “silly law-abiding jerk” (and who is played by Peter Lorre), you know that Scott will be in for much more than a polite thank you for his trouble. Rico is the underling of Eddie Roman (acted with superbly menacing style by Steve Cochran), a thug who derives sadistic joy out of toying with the feelings of everyone around him. When first seen, Roman lampoons an unattractive lady barber and viciously smacks a manicurist for what barely is a minor infraction. He also terrorizes his wife Lorna (sultry Michele Morgan), who is practically paralyzed with fear. Roman is intrigued by Scott’s honÂesty. He insists on hiring the veteran as his chauffeur. Lorna, meanwhile, senses that she can trust Scott She offers him $1,000 if he will accompany her to Havana. He accepts and promptly falls in love with her. As the pair sails for Cuba, you expect that at any second Roman and Rico will pop onto the scene and cause endless grief for the runaways. Only this is not quite what happens. You really will be surprised at what does, as Scott finds himself accused of murder and the object of a desperate manhunt. 85 minutes. Crime-Mystery-Suspense