Chinatown After Dark

2339. CHINATOWN AFTER DARK (1931-usa). WITH carmel myers, rex lease, billy GILBERT, The scenario Of this taut mystery adventure opens in Shanghai, where American Ralph Bonner has been entrusted with an ancient Chinese dagger, This “little trinket” is the property Of “the royal house Of Lee Fong” and Bonner has promised to transport it to San Francisco where he will hand it over to Fong. What he does not know is that this is no ordinary knife. Hidden within it is an extraordinarily beautiful gem that is coveted by many. It should be no surprise that several attempts are made to separate Bonner from the dagger. He visits his younger brother Jim. The elder Bonner requests that Jim accompany him on his visit to Lee Fong. The evil dragon-lady Madame Ying Su is among those who have been conspiring to obtain the dagger. Her machinations lead to thievery and kidnapping and murder, with Jim Bonner finding himself falsely accused by the police Of various diabolical acts. Will he be able to prove his innocence and uncover the culprits? How will Lee Fong’s pretty Caucasian ward Lotus fit into the picture? Amid the mayhem there is comic relief in the person Of Billy Gilbert, amusingly cast as a haplessly sneezing cop. 56 minutes Crime-Mystery-Suspense