
1814. COBRA (1925-USA). With RUDOLPH VALENTINO, NITA NALDI. Settings by WILLIAM CAMERON MENZIES. During the Roaring Twenties, Rodolfo Alfonzo Raffaele Pierre Philibert Guglielmi-better known as Rudolph Valentino-became a national institution. To female filmgoers, this exotically sexy Latin lover represented mystery, fantasy, eroticism and illicit love. A year before his sudden, tragic death at the age of 31, he starred in this stylish, fascinating drama of corruption and excess among the powerful and well-heeled.’ Valentino plays Count Rodrigo Torriani, a carefree, irresponsible lady-killer who is not at all bothered by the fact that his cash flow is nil; after all, his looks and title allow him entry into the most fashionable circles, and the luxury of getting in trouble with beautiful women. The Count befriends an American antiques dealer who hires him because of his expertise on Italian antiquities. What follows is a chronicle of his involvement with two very difÂferent women. One is Mary Drake, his employer’s secretary, who is a nice, all-American girl, The other is more his match: Elise Van Zile, a cynical husband-hunter who’s seen it all and done it all, and who at first schemes to win the Count for the fortune she thinks is his. The scenes between Valentino and Naldi are sparked by an eroticism that is at once subtle, ferocious and captivating. “Silent” film with original music score, correct projection speed, 82 minutes. ÒSilentÓ Drama