Creature’s Revenge, The; Brain Of Blood

2764. THE CREATURE’S REVENGE (Brain Of Blood) (1971-USA) COLOR. With GRANT WILLIAMS, KENT TAYLOR, REED HADLEY. This zany comic-horror film offers a deft blend of honest-to-goodness shivers and liberal doses of laughter. It is the saga of Amir, the beloved head of a Middle Eastern country who is dying of cancer and who desperately wants to live. It has been arranged that as soon as he passes away his body will be flown to the United States. Within fifleen hours after arrival, his brain will be transplanted into a healthy body. A week later, he will be back home ruling his country. “You are too great a man to perish. Your people need you,” Amir is told by his American girlfriend, who agrees to be his wife upon completion of the procedure. Amir then dies. He is given a special serum which prevents his brain from deteriorating, and his body is flown to America and the laboratory of Dr. Trent. You certainly will not find this physician practicing within the boundaries of the scientific establishment. Rather, he is a demented medico who, for twenty years has “endured professional humiliation and public ostracism” and has been “blacklisted by every major medical institution in lhe world.” He is not-so-ably assisted by a pair of comical cut-ups, one a hulking imbecile and the other a goofy-voiced dwarf. Trent performs a graphically gory operation on the corpse of Amir, and let us say lhat the result is not quite what he has in mind! Add to the mix some car chases and fisticuffs, explosions and assorted damsels-in-distress, and the result is a deliciously campy concoction that is crammed with chills and guffaws. 87 minutes. Comedy Horror