Crypt Of The Living Dead

2751. CRYPT OF THE LIVING DEAD (1973-USA). With ANDREW PRINE, MARK DAMON. A man enters a shadowy and mysterious mausoleum. As he explores its contents, he is assaulted and bloodied by a hairy individual who resembles a caveman. He eludes his attacker, but is soon strangled to death, and his corpse is left to rot beneath the weight of a tomb. Soon afterwards the deceased man’s son arrives on the Mediterranean island where the mausoleum is located, He has come to see the site where his father died, and give him a proper burial. He knows that his dad had come to the island to study primitive cultures, and is shocked to find that papa had been suspected of indulging in “paganism” and “hedonism.” Amid the island’s natives who are more than restless, he befriends two others who, like himself, are American: a pretty young schoolteacher and her brother, a writer who is attempting to pen a historical novel. He soon learns the deep and dark secret of the island. Centuries before, it had been known as Vampire Island. Legend has it that a female vampire has for the past 700 years been burred somewhere inside the mausoleum. As our hero explores the island in an attempt to learn the reasons why his father died, he finds himself subjected to weird and eerie visions. He hears bizarre sounds. He seems to be haunted by strange creatures. Is he meddling where he has no right? Will he soon find himself in harm’s way, and be headed for the same grisly fate as his father? Find out as this eerie and atmospheric horror film rolls along to its fiery and shattering climax. 86 minutes. Horror