Death From A Distance

2413. DEATH FROM A DISTANCE (1935-usA). With RUSSELL HOPTON, LOLA LANE. A killer strikes in a planetarium during a lecture by the esteemed European astronomer, Professor Einfeld. The victim is Dr. Stone, a specialist in anesthesiology. The gun is abandoned by the murderer and is laid at the feet of the corpse. About one hundred people are present at the time of the shooting. All are invited guests, with the exception of a mysterious Hindu gentleman who had purchased an invitation illegally. According to Professor Einfeld’s assistant, the Hindu had threatened to kill Dr. Stone that very afternoon. The planetarium’s watchman tells the police that no one had the opportunity to leave the premises after the killing. It is the responsibility of cocky Lieutenant Mallory of the Homicide Squad to identify the assassin. Adding to his problems is saucy newspaper reporter Kay Palmer. She unintentionally complicates Mallory’s job with trumped-up headlines that sell papers but almost cause the murder of Professor Einfeld. Mallory and Palmer may hit sour notes when trying to solve murder cases, but they certainly make sweet music after hours! The result of all this is one exciting and entertaining mystery drama in which it is near-impossible to guess the identity of the killer. 69 minutes. Crime Mystery Suspense