Double Deal

2549. DOUBLE DEAL (1939-USA). With MONTE HAWLEY, JENI LE GON. Enter the dangerous world of the mobsters, gamblers and pretty showbiz headliners who congregate at the nightclub of mob kingpin Murray Howard. Jim McCoy is a gentleman gambler who tries to keep his kid brother on the straight-and-narrow path. Innocent young Tommy disregards his sibling’s advice and joins Dude Markey and his gang of crooks who knock off the Acme Jewelry Company’s safe. As Markey gathers the loot, an elderly watchman arrives on the scene. The hardened killer pulls out his gun and shoots the old man dead. Markey gives the stolen jewelry to Boss Howard, and then, he steals them back from the nightclub safe where they are stored. Markey plans to frame Tommy as the double-crosser and murderer, and then entice Jim’s sweetheart Nita into running off with him. Will Jim be able to intervene in time to save his brother and keep his girl? It is Markey versus McCoy in a battle of survival in this gripping and action-packed melodrama. 59 minutes. Drama