Dreaming Out Loud

1539. DREAMING OUT LOUD (1940-USA). WITH Lum and Abner, Frances Langford, frank CRAVEN, PHIL HARRIS, CLARA B LAN DICK, ROBERT WILCOX. Popular radio characters Lum Edwards (CHESTER Lauck) and Abner Peabody (NORRIS GOfF) made their screen debut in this sincere, friendly rural entertainment. They are Ozark philosophers who constantly, comically squabble-and affect the lives Of the various residents Of Pine Ridge, Arkansas, where they’re the proprietors Of The Jot’em Down store. Along the way, they dispense charily to those in need; assist in an investigation Of a little girl’s killing by a hit and run driver; devise a way to bring to the town a much-needed mobile hospital facility; and insure that lovers Frances Langford and Robert Wilcox will be able to go through with their marriage plans. Frank Craven is on hand as Pine Ridge’s pipe-smoking town doctor, who plays a key role in the proceedings; Phil Harris appears briefly as a fast-talking travelling salesman. Dreaming Out Loud is a nostalgic portrait Of the small town America that no longer exists. In its day, the film was popular enough to spawn a six-film series featuring the antics Of Lum and Abner. 80 minutes. Comedy