Duke Comes Back,The

1718. THE DUKE COMES BACK (1937-usa). WITH allan lane, heather angel, Genevieve TOBIN, JOHN RUSSELL, JOSEPH CREHAN. Directed by IRVING PICHEL. The Duke Of the title is Duke Foster, “The Harvard Hurricane,” a self-confident boxer with dynamite in his lists who’s fighting for the heavyweight title. Foster knocks out the champ and then promptly retires from the ring to wed Susan Corbin, a genteel lass who’s high on the social register. Trouble comes when Duke’s father-in-law, a respected financier, confesses that he’s lost a fortune in the stock market: not only his, but money belonging to his clients, and he’s expecting disgrace, dishonor and a prison term. What to do? Count the minutes before Duke begins planning to exchange his Park Avenue duds for boxing trunks, boxing gloves and a comeback. That’s not all: Duke’s always been clean, but some racketeers conspire to convince him that it will be in his best interests to take a dive. This fast-paced drama features loads Of colorful dialogue and clever plot twists. Cast as Duke is Allan Lane, one Of the few celluloid pugilists to really be adept in athletics: before commencing his screen career in 1929, he was a football player at Notre Dame. Lane later took the nickname “Rocky,” and became one Of the most popular Western stars Of the late 1940s and early ’50s. 54 minutes. Drama