Echo Murders, The

278. THE ECHO MURDERS (1945-Engiand). With David Farrar, Dennis Price. This mystery suspense drama has an amazing amount of plot and excitement compacted into its running time. When famed London detective SEXTON BLAKE investigates the murder of a prominent tin mine owner, he finds that the crime is entangled in a complex network of nefarious activities. There’s another body, mysteriously washed up onto the beach, a gang of diamond thieves lurking about, and despicable acts of sabotage and blackmail. All of it centers on a fierce battle for possession of the mine. But what are the criminals really after? The daring and ingenious sleuth discovers that the mine adjoins a secret cave, which could be the perfect launching site for a Nazi invasion of England! His search for the fiendishly clever mastermind leads to some thrilling chases, gun battles and Gestapo tortures– and even to Blake’s apparent death! But don’t count him out until the action-packed and genuinely surprising finale. Wartime espionage adventure at its finest. 75 minutes. Crime-Mystery-Suspense