Edge Of The World, The

2245. THE EDGE OF THE WORLD (I937-ENGIAND). WITH eric berry, john laurie, niall MacGINNiS, FINLAY CURR1E. Directed and written by MICHAEL POWELL. With documentary-like authenticity, esteemed filmmaker Michael Powell stunningly depicts the daily trials of hardworking farmers on a lonely Scottish island. His film is at once a passionate love story and a revealing look at the nature and culture of the island. He tells the story of young Robby Cray, who returns from a stint as a fisherman on a trawler and pronounces that there is no future for the island because its natural resources have been depleted. Robby wishes to permanently leave his homeland and begin life anew elsewhere. However, his elders want him to remain. To settle the dispute, RobbyÕs best friend and future brother-in-law Andrew Gray challenges him to climb a steep craggy cliff. Among the, many highlights is a thrilling storm sequence in which a ship races to the mainland to secure a doctor for an infant with diphtheria. This is one of Powell’s first substantial features. He shot the film on location on the Scottish island of Foula, where he directed a blend of professional and amateur perÂformers with a sensitive hand. Be sure to note the cameo appearance of Powell as the yachtsman at the start of the film. 75 minutes. Drama