Eternally Yours
1257. ETERNALLY YOURS (1939-usa). WITH loretta young, david niven, broderick crawford, sillie burke, c. Aubrey smith, hugh herbert, zasu pitts, eve arden. DIRECTED BY tay garnett. A demure young woman on the verge Of marrying a conservative businessman takes a teasing at her bridal shower about settling down with a man too good for her. To regain confidence in her upcoming wedding, she has her palm read by “The Great Arturo”, a magician and escape artist, who “sees all and knows all.” In a surprising turn Of events, she marries the magician and travels with his show as part Of a disappearing act. As she secretly has a house built for them in rural Connecticut, he takes on one death defying stunt after another, thrilled by the applause Of his fans. Tired Of fretting over her husband’s safety, the illusionist’s wife carries out her own disappearing act. That is when “The Great Arturo” calls upon his all-seeing, all knowing” powers to search far and wide for his true love. The excitÂing final scene takes place at the New York World’s Fair where the viewers are treated to a bird’s eye view Of the legendary grounds. This film has everything-lop stars, the best character actors, daredevil airplane stunts and a winning love story. A classic comedy romance from Hollywood’s golden age. Recommended! 91 minutes. Comedy Romance