Face On The Barroom Floor, The

1990. THE FACE ON THE BARROOM FLOOR (1932-USA). With Bramwell FLETCHER, DULCIE COOPER, EDDIE FEATHERSTONE. Back in the 1920’s, when Prohibition made it illegal to purchase and drink alcoholic beverages, the pros and cons of liquor consumption were hotly debated in America. This trenchant drama presents its side of the issue in no uncertain terms as it graphically depicts the ravages of alcohol abuse. Incidentally, it was made at a time when most movie drunks were little more than comical caricatures. The scenario details the plight of a sickly, broken down fellow who is an outcast of society and the butt of cruel humor. His name is Bill Branson. Once he was young man with the world in his corner. Some even called him the luckiest man on earth. He had a wife with whom he was madly in love. Over a period of years he and his father-in-law had built up a successful banking business. Branson becomes deeply disÂturbed when the elder man wishes to lend money to a notorious bootlegger. There is a history of alcoholism in Branson’s family and he has a healthy fear of the effects of alcohol abuse. He is nevÂertheless chided by his father-in-law, who admonishes him for his puritanical views. It is suggested that he “be modern” and “show some backbone.” What’s more, Branson’s wife firmly believes that one must imbibe liquor to maintain one’s social position. She drunkenly dares her mate lo take one drink at a party. Out of frustration, Branson does just this. What this leads to is his steady, horÂrific decline. On one level the film is very much of its era, but the issues with which it deals are as contemporary as a “Just Say No” public service announcement. 65 minutes. Melodrama