
1467. FAUST (1926-Germany). With GOSTA EKMAN, EM1L JANNINGS, CAMILLA HORN, WILH ELM {WILLIAM) DIE7ERLE. Directed by F.W. MURNAU. In the 1920s, Mumau became one of the international cinema’s most influential, innovative and distinguished artists. His films were visual feasts, with light, shadow and camera movement the key elements of his genius, Faust which was the final film Mumau directed in Germany before coming to Hollywood in 1927, is as stunning a work as he ever created. The scenario was loosely adapted from the Goethe version of the Faust legend. It chronicles what happens when an old man sells his soul for youth, and the forces of heaven and hell do battle over that soul. Faust features a stellar cast famed Swedish stage and screen star Gšsta Eltman as Faust; Emil Jannings, who was soon to earn the first-ever “Best Actor” Academy Award, as the Evil Spirit the beautiful German actress Camilla Horn in her screen debut as Gretchen; and Wilhelm (William) Dieterle, who was later to become a solidly dependable Hollywood director, as Valentine, Despite the fine performances given by these actors, Faust remains a director’s film, with Mumau and cinematographer CARL HOFFMANN the stars. Scene after scene is starkly, dazzlingly conceived, and brilliantly lit. “Light and movement; all Mumau’s experiments and discoveries (in his previous films) came to fruition in Faust” wrote the critic- historian Lotte Eisner, in her book on Mumau. “The beginning and end are fugues of light, orchestrated with incomparable mastery!’ Clearly, this Faust is a must-see classic. Bi-lingual inter-titles in German and English. Silent film with original organ score, correct projection speed, 117 minutes. ÒSilentÓ Drama