Fernandel The Dressmaker

1634. FERNANDEL THE DRESSMAKER (1956-France). With FERNANDEL, SUZY DELAIR, FRANCOISE FABIAN. Directed by JEAN BOYER. Fernandel, the toothy, long-faced comedian who was one Of France’s most beloved funnymen, appeared in over 100 comedies and farces, and he’s in top form in this zany romp. He stars as Fernand, a lowly cutler in a dress shop who has an eye for the ladies – but who is burdened with a nagging, obnoxiously overbearing spouse. M. Fernand dreams Of success as a high fashion designer. Opportunity knocks when a lady friend passes away, leaving him a major percentÂage Of her outwardly chic yet financially shaky dress firm. Before he can take advantage Of this good fortune, Fernand must contend with his ever-suspicious wife and the pair Of effeminate gentlemen responsible for running the firm into the ground. Fernandel is at his most effective as he apes the more obvious charÂacteristics Of his stereotypical dress designer. He’s ably assisted by a pair Of fine actresses from the French and European cinema: Suzy Delair, cast as Adrienne, Fernand’s wife; and -Francoise Fabian, in one Of her first screen roles as Sophie, a young mannequin Fernand illicitly romances. The film is breezily directed by the prolific Jean Boyer, who was at his best with such light, appealing fare. Plus, one Of the costume designers is none other than PIERRE CARDIN! In French with English subtitles. 95 minutes. Comedy