Fist Of Fear, Touch Of Death; Dragon And The Cobra

3007. FIST OF FEAR, TOUCH OF DEATH (Dragon and The Cobra) 1980-USA) COLOR. With BRUCE LEE, FRED WILLIAMSON, RON VAN CLIEF, AARON BANKS, ADOLPH CAESAR. Fact and fiction blend seamlessly in this unique and fascinating martial arts film which works on several levels. To begin with, it is filled with kung fu and karate action, it offers glimpses of various eye-poppingly talented martial artists. Most tellingly it serves as an homage to Bruce Lee, the legendary movie and television actor and champion martial artist who became an instant cult figure upon his premature and mysterious death in 1973 at the age of 32. The setting is the 1979 World Karate Championship, which was dedicated to the memory of Lee and held at New York’s Madison Square Garden. At the championship, two questions will be answered. Who will be Bruce Lee’s successor as World Karate Champion? Can this successor live up to Lee’s legend? Aaron Banks, a karate master who was an associate of Lee as well as one of the event’s organizers, also offers controversial and incendiary information regarding the master’s death. “Bruce was in too good a condition to die of natural causes,” Banks proclaims. His explanation for Lee’s demise is at once bizarre and shocking, and involves what Banks describes as “the vibrating palm!” In addition, he implies that this “touch of death” just may kill any heir apparent to Lee. The film features karate and kung fu demonstrations, with those given by martial arts expert Ron Van Clief especially impressive. Also not to be missed are interviews Lee reportedly made just before his death and clips from many of his movies. English language and dubbed in English. 84 minutes. Martial Arts