Fit For A King

2727. FIT FOR A KING (1937-USA). With JOE E. BROWN, HELEN MACK, PAUL KELLY. Wherever news is being made, a reporter from the New York Daily Blade is on the scene. It just so happens that Virgil Ambrose Jeremiah Christopher “Scoops” Jones is NOT one of those scribes. Virgil is a cub reporter on the Blade solely because his Uncle Virgil publishes the paper. He is ever-anxious to get an assignment that will allow him to prove his worth. “I want to go to fires and floods and murders,” he proclaims. Instead, he is playing office boy for the Blade’s editor as he brings his boss a midday sandwich. Surely, Virgil’s luck is destined to change. This comes when word arrives of the attempted assassination of Archduke Julio, an exiled prince visiting New York. Virgil’s editor senses that the story is a phony. For this reason he assigns Virgil the task of securing an interview with his highness. What follows is a mile-a- minute comedy involving conspiracies, journalistic rivalries and assassination plots that are quite real. Lest we forget, our hero is destined to find love in the most unlikely place and with the most unlikely person! Lovable, wide-mouthed comic Joe E. Brawn makes Virgil an endearing character. A top-notch supporting cast assists him in this winning comic romp. 64 minutes. Comedy