Flaming Urge, The

2270. THE FLAMING URGE (1953-USA). WITH harold lloyd, jr., cathy downs. HERE is a bizarre and fascinating curio, starring the son of one of the silent screen’s great comedians. Junior plays Tom Smith, a young man “possessed with an uncontrollable compulsion.” He arrives in the small town of Monroe, where he hopes to settle down and get a job. Tom declares that he would like to find a boss who “understands.” Understands what? That he is an axe murderer? That he is an alien from Mars? That he likes to wear womenÕs clothes? Not quite. Tom’s problem is someÂthing else altogether. This seemingly unobtrusive young man is obsessed with chasing fire trucks. He is fascinated by flames. Lately there seems to be an inordinate number of fires breaking out to Monroe. In fact, this has been happening ever since Tom came to town. Is our young hero also a firebug? Or is he simply a victim of circumstance or the target of a pyromaniac scheming to blame his dastardly acts on poor innocent Tom? This likable film surely is one of the most unusual and intriguing you will ever hope to see, 65 minutes. Drama