Force Of Impulse

2537. FORCE OF IMPULSE (1960-USA). With ROBERT ALDA, J. CARROL NAISH, JEFF DONNELL, JODY MeCREA, TONY ANTHONY, LIONEL HAMPTON, CHRISTINA CRAWFORD. One would think that young Toby Marino has the world at his feet. He is seventeen years old. He is the touch down-scoring star of his high school football team. A pert cheerleader named Kathy is hot for him. So is beautiful Bunny Reese, daughter of a fabulously wealthy businessman. However, Toby’s life is far from simple and sweet. Bunny is anxious to make Toby a part of her life, even though one-too-many in her set look down on him because of his working-class background. Toby delivers groceries; the closest he has ever gotten to a golf course has been as a caddy. Toby’s father is a kind but uneducated Italian immigrant who operates a meat and fruit market. Papa reminds Toby of his place in the world. He is no rich boy, and whatever he accomplishes in life will not be handed to him. To add to Toby’s angst, his “friends” cruelly chide him because he covets Bunny and a life in the upper class. How will Toby Marino fit into the world? Is Bunny really an appropriate girlfriend? Find out in this complex and intelligent, heartfelt and extremely well-acted coming-of-age drama. Veteran character actor J. Carrol Naish offers an especially flavorful performance as Toby’s father, and the once-in-a-life- time cast includes Christina CrawfordÑdaughter of JoanÑin the role of Ann. 83 minutes. Romance