Ghosts On The Loose
1240. GHOST5 ON THE LOOSE (1943-usa). WITH bela lucosi, ava cardner, leo corcev, KUNTZ HALL, BOBBY JORDON, SAMMY MORRISON. Lugosi may be top-billed in Ghosts on (he Loose, but till film is actually an entry in the popular fast Side Kids comedy series. The East Side Kids, formerly known as the Dead End Kids and later redubbed the Bowery Bays, were Hollywoodized versions Of urban juvenile delinquents. The films in which they initially appeared, in the 1930s, wert major studio efforts that dealt seriously and soberingly with urban poverty as the source Of youthful alienation. By the World War II era, their films had become B efforts produced by SAM KATZMAN for Monogram Pictures that focused more on the camaraderie between the boy-1 they would find themselves immersed in an array Of comical predicaments. This is a typically entertaining feature from this period. Add to this the presence Of a ravishingly beautiful. 21-year-old starlet named Ava Gardner, cast as Hall’s sister. She’s a bride who’s scheduled to move with her new husband into a house that German spy Lugov would like them to think is haunted. 61 minutes. Suspense- Comedy