Girl From Flanders

1930. GIRL FROM FLANDERS (1956-Gormany). With MAXIMILIAN SCHELL, NICOLE BERCER, GERT FROB6. Directed by HELMUT KAUTNER. The setting Of this provocative, vividly dramatic anti-war drama is World War I, and Maximilian Schell stars as Alexander Haller, a soulÂful, idealistic German lieutenant and former medical student. Haller, the son Of a pompous major- general, has been wizened by the time he has spent at the front line. Furthermore, he is sickened by the snooty attitudes Of his elitist superiors and the upper classes, who view with callous disreÂgard the common foot soldier who does all the fighting and dying. However, given his situation, and the time in which he lives, Haller has no control over his plight, while in a small Belgian vilÂlage located near the front, he becomes obsessed with a pretty, chaste barmaid named Angeline, who is quite vocal in her dislike for all German soldiers. Later on, while on leave, Haller revisits the village, which is now safely in German-held territory, and atlempts to get to know Angeline. Their relationship soon blossoms into love, leading to a variety Of complications. Ultimately, the film is an uncompromising examination Of the futility and insanity Of war, and how it destroys the lives Of all – and especially the innoccnt – who are touched by it. This also is one Of the first screen appearances Of Schell, the Oscar-winning actor who played in German films prior to earning interÂnational stardom in the late 1950s. Pert Nicole Berger, a familiar face in European films Of the 1950s and 60s, is cast as Angeline. Sadly, she was killed in an auto accident in 1967, at age 32. The director, Helmut Kautner, is one Of the most acclaimed Of all post-war German filmmakers. Dubbed in English. 91 minutes. Drama