Girl In His Pocket; Un Amour De Poche

2498. GIRL IN HIS POCKET (Un Amour De Poche) (Nude In His Pocket) (1957-France). With JEAN MARAIS, GENEVIEVE PACE, JEAN-CLAUDE BRIALY. Directed by PIERRE KAST. This imaginative and lighthearted film is the debut feature of French cult direclor, Pierre Kast. Jean Marais plays a drop-dead gorgeous biology professor named Jerome Nordman, He is a science nerd who putters day in and day out in a bizarre laboratory to find the secret of suspended life. With the help of pretty student assistant Monette, Nordman discovers that his Solution “N738” can achieve the unlimited conservation of matter by shrinking living things. Monette, meanwhile, helps the scientist learn the feeling of true love. While Nordman shrinks and solidifies ants, birds and even a pet dog, his coldhearted fiancee Edith talks a wealthy friend into giving her “handsome, brilliant, affectionate and well-trained” sweetheart a job at Juvacola. This soft drink has been under criticism as an improper stimulant for young people. Nordman is viewed as the one man who can save Juvacola’s image. Late one night, Monette swallows Solution “N738” in order to shrink from the sight of suspicious Edith, and you cannot imagine her fate and its effect on her beloved. This fanciful concoction is one of the kookiest love stories you will ever enjoy! Dubbed in English. 73 minutes. Science Fiction Comedy