Git Along Little Dogies

920. GIT ALONG LITTLE DOGIES (1937-usa). WITH Gene Autry, Smiley Burnette, the MAPLE CITY FOUR, JUDITH ALLEN, THE CABIN KIDS and CHAMPION. An oil well is being driller right in the middle of cattle country and Gene is dead set against it. His feud with the daughter of the local banker who is financing the oil well is getting serious. When a no-good cheat tries to take over Gene changes sides and finds himself accused of attempted murder for his troubles. The film contains; bumper crop of music, as it just so happens the banker’s daughter also runs the town’s radio station Gene sings an uncharacteristic “Chinatown,” but makes up for it by doing a few yodels and a “Red Rive Valley” with the words on the screen so you can sing along. Lots more tunes by Gene and plenty of two-fisted action. 54 minutes. Western