Gospel According To St. Matthew, The; Il Vangelo Secondo Matteo

1096. THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO ST. MATTHEW (II VANGELO SECONDO MATTEO) (1964-ltaly). Directed and adapted by PIER PAOLO PASOLINI. The purest interpretation Of the life Of Jesus Christ in the history Of filmmaking. Italian writer/director Pasolini based his script on the writings Of St. Matthew. He recreated Jerusalem from among the ancient stone dwellings Of Southern Italy. His actors were amateurs, members Of the faÂmilies who lived in the Calabrian villages, to stunning documentary style, Pasolini depicted the Annunciation, the birth Of Christ, the Holy Family’s flight to Egypt, Jesus’ baptism. In a remarkable move, Pasolini cast his own mother in the role Of the Virgin Mary. Christ’s life is presented with respect for the traditional religious doctrine Of the Church. With this, the director combined his personal belief in the religious mysteries. As though it were a newsreel, the film shows Christ’s meetings with the men who were to become his disciples, the last supper, and the betrayal by Judas. Pasolini captures the anguish Of the Crucifixion as Christ and the two thieves are nailed to wooden crosses, as the grief stricken Mary stands by. Be sure to note the rich music Of Bach, Mozart, ProkOfiev and Webern, and Odetta’s passionate singing. The finest religious film ever made by one Of the most gifted filmmakers Of post-war Italy. Dubbed into English. 134 minutes. Gospel Drama