Happy Go Lovely

2264. HAPPY GO LOVELY (1951 -England). COLOR. With David Niven, vera ellen, cesar romero. There’s plenty Of high-steppin’ and big-time laughs in this amusing musical-comedy- romance from England. Actually, the setting is Edinburgh during that city’s annual arts festival. A most unusual show is just about to open. Unlike other festival Offerings, it is neither high drama nor experimental in nature. It is a Broadway-style musical. John Frost is the show’s much put-upon director. Poor Frost has run out Of money and his creditors are itching for payment. His leading lady has just quit on him. The constantly flustered Frost deals with his problems by forever bossing around his chorus girls. One Of them is sweet all-American Janet Jones. In a huff, Janet quits the show. Frost is then told that she is about to wed B.G. Bruno, greeting card manufacturer and one Of the richest men in Scotland. All Of a sudden Janet is Offered the lead role in his show. Only trouble is, not only is Janet not engaged to Bruno but she has never even heard Of the fellow! What’s more, Bruno is an uptight businessman who is as much at home in a theater as a fish in a birdcage. The three stars are first-rate. Vera-Ellen is all charm and sex appeal as Janet, and her dancing is exquisite. Cesar Romero is all comical bluster as the appropriately named director. David Niven is his delightÂfully urbane self in his role as Bruno. 97 minutes. Musical