Harvest Melody

2051. HARVEST MELODY (1943-usa). WITH rosemary lane, johnny downs, Sheldon LEONARD. You’ll be snapping your fingers and laughing out loud from the opening moments Of this tune-filled comedy-musical. It is the story Of glamorous Gilda Parker, once a great motion picÂture star. Gilda’s contract with Zenith Studios has expired and she is confidently expecting a 20 perÂcent pay hike. However, her past three pictures have disappointed at the box Office. Her popularity has faded. She is “simply not in the running anymore” and so the studio unceremoniously drops her contract. Gilda’s usually inept press agent instigates a clever scheme which is sure to result in her renewed fame. He transports Gilda and other celluloid luminaries with career troubles to Shady Acres, a rustic community whose farmers are desperately short Of hands. The Hollywood elite will milk cows and bale hay while Gilda will commence wooing a sweetly naive young farmer. All Of this results in gossip journalists reporting Gilda’s “love affair” and newspapers printing such headÂlines as “Farm Aid Movement Popularized by Film Star Gilda Parker.” “Help the Farm” clubs sprout up across America. Gilda becomes the most talked-about woman in the nation and it is a cinch that her career wilt be bigger than ever. In spite Of all this, you can bet the milk money that there will a barnyard full Of complications, romantic and otherwise. 67 minutes. Musical